Mr. Sianga Abílio's professional career had a marked beginning because it coincided with the moment of proclamation of National Independence. At that time, at 19 years old he was one of two young Angolan chemists to ensure the operation of CONGERAL's chemical laboratory, a soap and food oil factory in Luanda, filling the void that had been caused by the abandonment of Angola by Portuguese technicians.
A year later, 1976, he was part of the first group of 60 students of Angola as an independent country selected to get scholarship for training abroad for cadres for the oil sector. The destination was the Republic of Algeria.
In 1981, already graduated as a Petroleum Geologist Engineer, he returned to the country and joined the oil sector where he remained for 27 years, having worded as:
· Drilling Geologist Technician, with frequent stays in oil rigs, at Sea (French Company TOTAL -Angola).
1982 - Joined the state-owned oil company SONANGOL-UEE and in 1986 was appointed as the Director of Prospecting and Research;
1992 - Was appointed as Managing Director of Sonangol Research and Production, Sonangol's First Operating Subsidiary where he worked until 1999;
In the same year 1999 he was appointed by Presidential Decree, Executive Director and became member of the Board of Directors of Sonangol EP;
During his tenure at Sonangol Holding he also held the following duties:
- Chairman of the Management Board of Kwanda Soyo Base;
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sonamet in Lobito;
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Angola LNG Company;
- First Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mercury-MST (Telecommunications subsidiary)
Specialization Courses:
- Oil Management Course (French Institute of Petroleum, Orsay - France);
- Finance Course (South Methodist University, Dallas - USA);
- Oil and Gas Management Course (IHRDC, Boston, Massachusetts - USA);
- Reservoir Evaluation Course (OGCI, Oil & Gas Inc, Houston, Texas - USA);
- Geophysics, Operations and Oil Production Techniques Course (OGCI, Oil & Gas Inc, Maidenhead, England);
- Petroleum Engineering Course (Jerry & Begerson, Golden Colorado- United States);
- Project Evaluation Techniques Course (Imperial College, London - England).
In 2008, Mr. Sianga Abílio was appointed Deputy Minister of Environment.
In 2012, he was appointed as the Secretary of State for New Technologies and Environmental Quality and as such led the Technical Group which drafted in 2015 the Luanda Provincial Urban Cleaning Plan which culminated in the publication of Presidential Decrees 106/16 and 107/16 (Luanda Provincial Urban Cleaning Plan and Waste Services Fee Collection System respectively).
As Secretary of State for the Environment and in the framework of Angola's international commitments on the environment, Eng. Sianga Abilio was elected to the Presidency of the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on the Protection of the Ozone Layer held in Bali- Indonesia in November 2011 attended by 197 UN member countries that have ratified the Montreal Protocol on the protection of the Ozone Layer.
In 2012 he chaired the High-level meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol held in Geneva (Switzerland).
On 11 October 2013, signed on behalf of the Republic of Angola in Kumamoto - Japan the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
On November 2014, was elected as Vice President of the 10th COP (Conference of the Parties) and 26th General Assembly of the Convention on Protection of the Ozone Layer held in Paris, France.
After 10 years in the Government (Vice-Ministry of Environment), Eng. Sianga Abílio was appointed in February 2018 by Presidential Decree, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Kenya and Permanent Representative of Angola to the UN Offices in Nairobi.
Eng. Sianga Abílio has been a MPLA Party member since 1975.
In 1976, Mr. Sianga Abílio joined the MPLA Cell in Boumerdes, Algeria, coordinated by Mr. Lourenço Sobrinho (the Mathematician).
From 1997 to 2007, he was the First Secretary of the Sonangol Party Action Committee and later First Secretary of the Sonangol Sector Committee comprising Sonangol Distribuidora, Sonair and Sonangol Holding.
He was First Secretary of the Miramar Neighborhood Action Committee 272.
Member of the Municipal Committee of Sambizanga.
Member of Luanda Provincial Party Committee (CPPL)
In 2016, he became Member of the MPLA Central Committee.
- Chairman of the General Assembly of LIVEGUL (Luanda Old Guard League);
- Chairman of the Petro-Atlético of Luanda Assembly Board;
- Chairman of the Petro-Atlético of Namibe Assembly Board;
- Chairman of the Uige Football Club Assembly Board and;
- Chairman of the Assembly Board of the Kwanda Base Club in Soyo.